Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Stay Tuned...

Back in Kumamoto, we often went out and watched a JET band play at local watering holes. TOKA was a tight five member outfit that enjoyed purveying some fine rocking tunes to the loyal, yet intoxicated superfans. Many an occasion did we find ourselves grooving and dancing underground, opening our auditory canals to the smooth vibrations of Carly, Wooley, Chambers, Elton and Ken.

I had the chance to videotape (one of) TOKA's last performance(s) in February of last year. I hadn't much thought about the tape in a long time. Then I got an e-mail from Carly recently and said she would like a copy of it. So I've spent some time recently throwing together all kinds of footage, not only TOKA, but some of my other random stuff from both Japan and the amazing countries of Southeat Asia. Being the consummate cheapskate, I fully plan on putting some of these videos on the internet for free somewhere. I think I am close to locating a host, but it's still in limbo.

So I encourage you to stay tuned, sure my posts are sparse, but I promise you I will have some pretty good stuff up very soon.

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