Monday, May 15, 2006

Live from Grand Junction, Colorado

Busniness has taken me to a gorgeous place, Grand Junction, CO.

Finished up at 5 pm and headed to a local bike shop and rented a hybrid bike (mountain frame with street thin tires). I heard there was a path along the Colorado River near town so I headed over to check it out. I went a few miles, swerving to avoid rabbits darting across the path and missing a startled snake by inches.

Crossed the river and headed toward the rocky ridge of the Grand Junction Valley walls.
Epic Path

Came upon a roadside parking lot with a few paths going to the top of Griggs Hill. I chained up my frame and headed to the top.
Sunny Butte

The North side of the valley looks as if it's a wrinkled sandstone wall that hasn't eroded much in a few million years in the arid evironment.
Distant Ridge

A 360 degree panorama from my perch atop Griggs Hill.

I set my camera on a rock and test its timer abilities.
On Griggs Hill

My throat dry as the red Colorado dirt, I head back to town. An interesting request awaits me.

I finish off a good ride with a Cold Shiver Pale Ale at the local Rockslide Brewery.

It's good.

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