Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hong Kong - Getting Around the City

With five weeks under my belt in Hong Kong, I have had a chance to get out on the weekends and check out some pretty nice areas. Weekdays are spent in Macao in the daily grind of work, and I have not had a day off since arrival. So Saturdays and Sundays are more valuable than ever and I try to make the most of them. Another change of lifestyle coming from STL is that my weekend nights are not spend out on the town, so I usually manage to rise at a reasonable hour. Here is how my weekends usually break down:

Saturday AM, get up and do any errands that need to get done: recharge my phone credit, laundry, get any necessities, toiletries, food, etc., pick out an interesting place on the map whether it is on HK Island or in the New Territories, go to that place, walk a lot, explore, wear myself out then get back early evening to cook some food and have a relaxing evening at home. Sunday AM, work on my timesheet, expense reports, various work odds and ends. Maybe have a nap, or call back to the US. The Wanchai Hash on Sunday starts at 4pm sharp, so I leave myself plenty of time to find buses, trains, ferries, or any method of transport that I need to get there.

The list of places I have explored already is a short one, but quite varied in what each place has to offer. The photos I have posted so far include some of these places, but I'd like to point out an amazingly valuable and underrated tool I use to get a feel for where I'm going: Google Maps.

As an exercise, if you are a person with ample free time, or one that has access to the internet at work and lots of time to (ab)use it, plug in any of these places in the above web site, click on Hybrid, then zoom to the smallest level of detail possible. Crazy, that technology is. These are places I have checked out so far, whether on my own or with a well-planned Hash run or with the hiking group TWATS (Trail Walkers Are Tired Soles) Hong Kong.

Chai Wan/Big Wave Bay
Kennedy Town
Mui Wo/Chueng Sha/Lantau Island
Plover Cove Country Park
Pok Fu Lam
Sai King
Yuen Long

One week more in Macao, then off to Singapore.

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