Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Almighty Goya

Ladies and Gents, meet your new friend, the Goya. This is a fruit that is very popular in Okinawa, Japan. When sliced and eaten raw, it has a very slimy texture. The taste is seriously bitter. It becomes less bitter when cooked. I have had it in a stir-fry with other vegetables, with eggs, raw and even goya gyoza. I only mention it because the 2nd graders at my school just got back from Okinawa and I was given the gift of Goya from one of my teachers. Not just regular Goya: Goya Chips!!!
Goya Chips
My friend Adam, a former resident of Kumamoto's Ubuyama Village has this to say about cooking with Goya. He even posted a recipe if you can get your hands on some. Check it out.

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