Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Last Lesson

Today, I had my last English classes in Japan. I decided to play a game of maru/batsu. It is the Japanese version of true/false, where I read a statement and the students walk to the true or false side of the room and rack up points if they're right. I made all the statements about myself and Japan. Here were the questions, how many could you get right?

1 Mark is 26 years old.
2 Mark eats onigiri for breakfast. (rice ball wrapped in seaweed)
3 In Korea, Mark ate dog. (actually it was China)
4 Mark went surfing for the first time in Miyazaki.
5 Mark studies Kanji by watching Japanese Comedy TV Programs.
6 Mark will travel to Africa when he leaves Japan.
7 Mark’s brother Joe lived in Fukuoka.
8 Mark thinks the most delicious takoyaki is in Osaka. (octopus dough ball)
9 Mark went snowboarding in Hokkaido and Nagano.
10 Mark passed 2kyu Japanese test. (3kyu)
11 Mark know the kanji for ”へ” 屁 (fart).
12 Mark had a bicycle, motorbike and a car in Japan.
13 Mark always likes to eat school lunch.
14 Mark has been to the Kumamoto Fish Auction.
15 Mark went scuba diving in Thailand.
16 Mark lives on a farm in America.
17 Mark say Aya Ueto at a shopping mall in Tokyo. (popular Japanese pop star)
18 Mark watched the sumo championship in Fukuoka.
19 Mark has been to Australia and New Zealand.
20 Mark can write his first and last name in katakana in less than 5 seconds. (マークフィンガーハット)

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