Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Price of Travel

Packing up and moving to a new country or taking off on the road for an extended vacation is naturally tough on the body. Could be the drastic change in the time zones, changes in the diet, new experiences, the stress of living out of a suitcase, the environment, or even not being around the people you enjoy spending time with. I'm currently in the midst of a wicked cold, perhaps brought on by any of the above. I am not complaining though. Work requires longer hours and is quite challenging so far. I've been mostly eating Chinese food, but have recently switched it up with some Japanese and Portuguese here in Macao. The average American burger is a long way from here, and I am delighted. Once I kick this cold, I'll be once again enjoying life in Asia no doubt.

One amazing fact that I learned recently: For all gambling revenue in Las Vegas, the US government taxes 7%. In Macao, the Chinese government will be taxing 40%!!! Recently, Macao overtook Vegas in Casino revenue (gambling only). Macao-8 billion, Vegas-7 billion. Scary to think that the largest Casinos here have yet to open or still exist only on the architect's drawing board. Quite a long way from the Indiana State Fair.

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