Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Typhoon #23

Tomorrow morning, typhoon #23 of the year is going to roll through Japan. You can see it's projected path here: http://typhoon.yahoo.co.jp/weather/jp/typhoon/typha.html

Looks pretty strong but it also looks like it might swing right and miss us. In any case, school lunch has been cancelled for the entire city so there is no school. It is rather strange, teachers have to go to school. If the weather is so bad that they have to stay home, then they must take a vacation day. I told my vice principal that if the weather improves, I will go down to the board of education. Don't know if I'll do that. Instead I'll hole up here with Manami, watch some movies, maybe get some good footage of some typhoon destruction if I can, and learn a new game called Othello. One of these days I'll start studying for my level 3 Japanese test coming up in December. This year has brought the most typhoons to mainland Japan on record. I think this is the 4th day off school kids have gotten this year because of them. My previous 2 years here, we only had 1 day off and no significant typhoonage.

By the way, a typhoon is usually less powerful than hurricane and tends to move through the area faster. Usually, most of the injuries it causes are pretty preventable like 81 year olds going on their roof to clear a tree during the typhoon and falling or something similarly asinine.

One last thing, the name of this typhoon is Tokage. It is Japanese for Lizard, but I prefer to pronounce it in an alternate way if you know what I mean.        台風トカゲ お楽しみに

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